The Knitted Wall was a community knitting project I did at the start of 2012 when I had my first (and only!) solo exhibition at the Rugby Art Gallery. Stranded was a collection of stranded knitting patterns I had collected and knitted from all over the world, and then knitted in as authentic a yarn as possible and mounted for display, explaining the origins of the patterns and their significance. The Knitted Wall was the community element to Stranded. I created a comfortable knitting space, offered tea and cake, and asked members of the public to come and join me for an hour or two and knit a square. A tag for each square was written by the knitter; on one side I asked them to write their first name and age and on the back a little bit about how they felt knitting the square. These were then added to a large piece of industrial felt which was hung on the wall.


The Easenhall Village Quilt