It all began with Outlander in 2015…

And wanting to learn about the history of the Jacobite Rising of 1745/6, and what actually happened, and what Highlanders actually wore during this time (I knew it wasn’t chunky knits made from acrylic yarn).

That then led me on to a Master’s degree in Highlands and Islands Culture at the University of the Highlands and Islands (pleased to report not only did I get a distinction but I managed to mention Outlander in coursework for every single module!), then on to further study at the Centre for History at UHI, attendance at two international conferences and then last year I became a postgraduate member of the Royal Historical Society and a fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (which means I now have the postnominals of FSAScot should I wish to use them). I’ve also curated a hybrid exhibition, made support garments for mounting historical clothing, handmade costumes for re-enactors, and have done two public history projects through Highlife Highland’s Spirit of the Highlands project.

I have also organised fundraising events both online and in person, and helped 32 Ukrainians move to Scotland in 2022, learning a huge amount about visas in the process.

I really like making things by hand too, so I plan to offer more items for sale and also love encouraging others to make with their hands, so there will be patterns for sale on here too.


We are now based on the first floor of 80 Murray Place, Stirling, FK8 2BX (visits by prior appointment only)